Pretty much the best thing about working on the web is that you get to work with individuals from all over the place. Practically the worst thing about working on the Internet is that you will be working with individuals all over. Having peers all over the place can be great but it can also make it really difficult to effectively manage a project. It is likely you already have far more email than you can handle and even places like DropBox and Google Docs are only capable of so much. This is the reason numerous individuals like Basecamp. It offers one central web based location that people can get together and work on things. Read on to find out all about Basecamp so you can decide for yourself if you should utilize it.

Being able to track your projects is difficult enough, but with Basecamp you have one convenient location for every aspect of your project as well as all of the individuals who are working on all of those aspects. It’s possible to invite people into the system and grant them access that lets them both make modifications to projects and to update other project members on the development of that project. You’ll be able to save your data there too. This provides you one centralized place for everybody and everything. It is sort of like setting up a whole workplace on the web. This could provide you with a huge advantage.

The bad news is that the system can be a little bit tough to figure out. There are lots of different things that you can do. It’s not difficult to start to feel overwhelmed by the various things that you can do as a way to track your projects. Basecamp offers lots of excellent ways to track your projects–it’s easy to unintentionally make your projects too difficult because you want to use all of the features available within the Basecamp system.

Basecamp does, however, give you a lengthy and strong history. It has been on the internet since 2004. This simply means the powers behind it have had eight years of customers and clients and time to make the system a lot better. The folks who make Basecamp have worked incredibly hard and diligently to establish the best possible environment that is both user friendly and easy to navigate. Eight years is a great deal of time for testing and listening to customer feedback. You know a business, particularly one online (where companies come and go daily), is reliable when it has managed to survive on the internet for nearly ten years.

The main drawback of Basecamp is its pricing. You could try it free of charge for 45 days. This should be more than plenty of time to figure out whether or not it will work for you and for your internet based business. As soon as the forty-five days are over, however, you are forced to select a membership plan. They start out at $20 a month–not even close to being the cheapest price available on the web. So if you are looking for something cheap or free, this site internet might not be the system for you.

The decision about whether you should employ Basecamp should actually depend on how complicated (or not) you’ve made your business. If you’re still in the beginning stages and managing most things by yourself it is likely you won’t need it for a while. If your business is bigger and there are folks working for it all over the place, the system can be a major stress saver.