As an online marketer it is easy to allow all of your time to be spent sitting in front of the computer. Email, message board posting, article marketing, sales marketing–it all takes time and it’s easy to lose track and spend your entire day in front of your computer monitor. If you do business from home it’s possible to go days and days (or even weeks) without seeing other individuals. This is terribly unhealthy! Everyone and every business have to have human interaction to keep it working properly. This is actually true when you run a company that is based on the Internet. Just what exactly do you need to do? How would you put yourself out there?

The best way to get you and your business out your front door is to go to a convention. Every day there are conferences and conventions happening everywhere. Just about every niche and every last market has at least a couple of them. Select a couple of these (one local, one a long way away) and go! You’ll see plenty of new contacts. These are filled with inspiration. It can also help you leave your home! Lots of fun can be had at seminars and conferences–you should take a look at some of them.

Show up at local business networking gatherings and parties. Your local Chamber of Commerce most likely hosts at least a handful of of these annually. They probably also have a list of these types of events that are being put on by others. Go to at least one function similar to this. Sure, networking isn’t really always the most exciting thing ever. This does not suggest, though, that you will never have fun. More importantly, these are great places to improve your local connections and business relationships. You won’t know when you will stumble across somebody who can help you build your business and your profit margin.

Think about leasing space in an office building or in a “co working” office. This could certainly put you out into the real world each day and, at the same time, give you a space to which you can dedicate your company. These spaces come with things including shared conference rooms, break rooms, copy services, and so on. There will be people that you can chat with when you feel stuck. What’s better is that it gives your company a non-residential address and a place at which you can meet potential customers. This will help your business appear to be both more professional and legitimate.

Teach a course in your community. You’re obviously an authority in your niche. Why don’t you give a talk, a lecture or a class on that in your local community? The nicest thing concerning this choice is that you can use it to make money by charging admission. This shows people that you know what you are doing and you can bring in a lot of new business this way.

Spending all of your time in front of your computer, even if you are doing it to develop your business, is not healthy. To increase your success and likelihood to flourish, you will need to get out of the house and spend time with real people. These tips are a great starting place if you are not certain whether or not to do this.